          回覆:神的預知 # 1383 Germany man not sucker (Therefore, you should know that Merkel election's lies means German already finished by US evilest politicians liars gang invisibly. Real G 麻辣火鍋ermany not ever can be that suck to place money above righteous principle [Merkel Rolls Wins Majority for Tax-Cutting Coalition in Germany's Election...] ), therefore, they don't multiply like suckin 火鍋吃到飽g liars gangsters do, therefore it consequences Germany population decreased sharply, why you need sell tons of car overseas? Those piles of dollar bill they earned cannot buy any better things made in USA as they like except buy mil 盤纏銀兩es of USA land and unlimited documented phony ID to feed their election lies (That how that sucking Merkel got elected by all voted out of USA evilest politicians lairs gang's slaved underground chained slavery terrors around the globe [It is a USA crime of w 金瓜石民宿ar, you sucking USA has military force occupied German, yet you failed to do your duty to kill all foreigners that darkly invaded German to guard Germany right that consequence Germany be finished invisibly, you USA must have to be accountable to your crime, or your entire USA must be destroyed to make 九份民宿sure your sucking USA must have no chance to commit your sucking unaccountable crime again.]. They build hospitals every where to boarding their slaves to issue their pay checks, that how those US evilest politicians gang wanting to force every one of you to pay insurance, or want every your tax payers to pay the sick w 清境eak wicked bills. Your sick weak wicked must not seeing as daily needs, how dare your sucking government can have that sucking right to see it like business as usual to allow anyone to charge any fee from you? They can have that heartless to take advantage of your sick weak wicked, how dare you think they can spare any election lies.), not just Germany 汽車美容 does, Japan does, not just Japan does, Taiwan, HongKong, Korea, now Mainland China, India, not mention those black gold minded OPEC; your own sucking US politicians lairs gang seeing your sucking USA people's life like nothing, how dare you expect those your sucking US politicians liars gang's foreign slaves care you sucking Americans natural environment 洗車decent life; therefore, every business grouped do whatever it takes to eat the part of USA pied land, that even big USA must have to lost all their farmer size, they run out of USA big size, they go to India to build more, they go to Mainland China to build more, they go to Argentina to build more, they go to Brazil to build more, you make more dollar bill, USA evilest politicians lai 鍍膜rs heartless gang has no problem to print more to feed your build, the entire Earth must have to leave no place without build, you all must have to be forced to starve to die not if but when. Moon is worse than all your built earth, no matter how worse you can make the earth be built.   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 翻譯社  .

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